Barrington Police Investigating Death of 7-Month-Old Child
Death investigation for the death of 7-month-old Mya Edwards from Barrington [...]
Barrington police and Cook County Major Case Assistance Team investigating the death of Mya Edwards [...]
Cook County Major Case Assistance Team has been called in to help investigate the death in the 100 block of South Hager, something that typically isn’t done unless a death is considered suspicious [...]
Just southeast of Barrington High School [view larger map ...]
Barrington police and Cook County Major Case Assistance Team investigating the death of Mya Edwards [...]
Cook County Major Case Assistance Team has been called in to help investigate the death in the 100 block of South Hager, something that typically isn’t done unless a death is considered suspicious [...]
Just southeast of Barrington High School [view larger map ...]