Welcome to ChicagoMediaScanner.com where you can comment on the news of Chicagoland from a wide variety of sources. News links are input here and on the ChicagoMediaScanner.com Official Facebook page ...
News links and excerpts are sometimes posted by ChicagoMediaScanner.com or News Bloggers and Fans of the official Chicago Media Scanner Official Facebook page first. News articles are then selected as soon as possible for archive for the ChicagoMediaScanner.com blog. Commenting can occur on the Facebook page or ChicagoMediaScanner.com.*
ChicagoMediaScanner.com will also break stories directly on the blog -- sometimes just an address and a quick description of an incident or news item. Readers can share the link to the favorite news source of the incident or news item in the comments section. For example, if ChicagoMediaScanner.com breaks news about a fire and doesn't supply a news link, any reader can supply a link to the first news source that becomes available. Or a reader can supply the best news source and complement the reporter. Or the reader can supply a news link that they believe deserves criticism (e.g., facts wrong, misspelling, missing information, lack of physical description of suspect, or criticism of the actual suspect or other characters involved in the report, etc.).
Every page of ChicagoMediaScanner.com displayed on a desktop or notebook computer browser has a control panel at the top page with links to the major Chicagoland radio and television stations. The radio station logos link directly to the official radio station websites. The text links below the radio station logos go directly to the streaming audio of the respective radio station. Each radio station usually also has a link to the official web page of the radio station on the stream window. The television station links go directly to the official website of the television station. TIP: Use CTRL-CLICK and open the radio station in a new window, so you can continue browsing while the audio is playing another window.
Articles selected for ChicagoMediaScanner.com include news events, political news, sports events, entertainment news, and people news, etc. with a connection to Chicagoland.
Facebook fans of ChicagoMediaScanner.com are welcome and encouraged to submit or share stories on the Chicago Media Scanner wall. Submit as a PERSONAL USER of Facebook or as the FAN PAGE of your own news business or regular business. Spammers will be banned. For example, "Buy one, get one free" announcements are spam, but news about a charity or how your business is running a charity drive is newsworthy. Keep in mind that, generally, only FRONT PAGE type news will be archived from Facebook over to ChicagoMediaScanner.com. Lesser newsworthy items usually won't be archived.
Chicago Media Scanner Facebook Fans are also encouraged to submit their own news tips, eyewitness accounts, or photos of what they saw.
Businesses may also link to their own official press release on the official Facebook page for Chicago Media Scanner.
If any fan of ChicagoMediaScanner.com wants to break a story, just post it on the wall of the ChicagoMediaScanner.com Official Facebook page ... Or suppose you just want to say "what are all the police cars doing in Gothlam City?" or "where's the fire, I see a lot of smoke" or "Did anybody hear about this?" ... just post it on the wall of the ChicagoMediaScanner.com Official Facebook page ... (you have to LIKE the page first, of course).
ChicagoMediaScanner.com will also break stories directly on the blog -- sometimes just an address and a quick description of an incident or news item. Readers can share the link to the favorite news source of the incident or news item in the comments section. For example, if ChicagoMediaScanner.com breaks news about a fire and doesn't supply a news link, any reader can supply a link to the first news source that becomes available. Or a reader can supply the best news source and complement the reporter. Or the reader can supply a news link that they believe deserves criticism (e.g., facts wrong, misspelling, missing information, lack of physical description of suspect, or criticism of the actual suspect or other characters involved in the report, etc.).
Every page of ChicagoMediaScanner.com displayed on a desktop or notebook computer browser has a control panel at the top page with links to the major Chicagoland radio and television stations. The radio station logos link directly to the official radio station websites. The text links below the radio station logos go directly to the streaming audio of the respective radio station. Each radio station usually also has a link to the official web page of the radio station on the stream window. The television station links go directly to the official website of the television station. TIP: Use CTRL-CLICK and open the radio station in a new window, so you can continue browsing while the audio is playing another window.
Articles selected for ChicagoMediaScanner.com include news events, political news, sports events, entertainment news, and people news, etc. with a connection to Chicagoland.
Facebook fans of ChicagoMediaScanner.com are welcome and encouraged to submit or share stories on the Chicago Media Scanner wall. Submit as a PERSONAL USER of Facebook or as the FAN PAGE of your own news business or regular business. Spammers will be banned. For example, "Buy one, get one free" announcements are spam, but news about a charity or how your business is running a charity drive is newsworthy. Keep in mind that, generally, only FRONT PAGE type news will be archived from Facebook over to ChicagoMediaScanner.com. Lesser newsworthy items usually won't be archived.
Chicago Media Scanner Facebook Fans are also encouraged to submit their own news tips, eyewitness accounts, or photos of what they saw.
Businesses may also link to their own official press release on the official Facebook page for Chicago Media Scanner.