Tires slashed on 30 to 40 Chicago Pride Parade floats overnight Criminal damage occurred overnight at a storage facility near 48th and Halsted ... Damage to 51 floats, including Rep. Kelly Cassidy's float, occurred between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m. ... HATE CRIME? NO, SUSPECTS, NO ARRESTS ... Gay Liberation Network promoting parade as opportunity for Anti-War/Pro-Civil Liberties Outreach and support for Wikileaks Private First Class Bradley Manning ...
Supports rights for gay people's and solidarity with rights for people's freedom around the world. Gay Liberation Network leader Andy Thayer supports freeing Bradley Manning because he says Manning won't get a fair trial because the United States as a country is not fit to try someone who is alleged to have leaked the Wikileaks transgressions ... "if the leaks show anything, they showed the utter debauchery of the United States in terms of contempt for human rights" ... "they don't give a damn" about people in this country, about people of the world and about justice.
Supports rights for gay people's and solidarity with rights for people's freedom around the world. Gay Liberation Network leader Andy Thayer supports freeing Bradley Manning because he says Manning won't get a fair trial because the United States as a country is not fit to try someone who is alleged to have leaked the Wikileaks transgressions ... "if the leaks show anything, they showed the utter debauchery of the United States in terms of contempt for human rights" ... "they don't give a damn" about people in this country, about people of the world and about justice.