Attorney: Woman's Tampon Removed Behind Church During Police Search; Suspect Tevin Ford: Chicago Police Conducted Illegal Strip Searches

Eight Chicago Police officers face a federal lawsuit for illegal strip searches near 9040 S. Laflin of suspects believed to have been selling drugs [...]

Robert Douglas was later shackled to the window bars of a nearby home, where officers pulled his pants down, bent him over and searched his buttocks [...]

Attorney Michael Oppenheimer: "This poor woman was forced to pull down her pants, pull down her underwear and remove a tampon from her after she proclaimed that she was menstruating. Officers made jeering comments about her body parts and how good she looked as she was forced to do this, as 5 police officers looked on" [...]

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Police: "Do you know these people?" Camera Man: "I really don't like you all." Police: "I don't like you either."